R.V.M – Rear View Mirror
November 16, 2016Now that Motolethe turns 1 year it is time to add 1 more category – Rear View Mirror.
In simple terminology as defined by the dictionaries; Rear View Mirror –
A rear-view mirror (or rearview mirror) is a flat mirror in automobiles and other vehicles, designed to allow the driver to see rearward through the vehicle’s rear
Thus, they used to “look back” and in a way it is related to reflect. In the context of Motolethe RVM will be thoughts not related to the others. Those that are the outcome with a relation to motoring and anything and everything around it.
RVM indeed has another derivative of the author. Co-incidentally they are the initials of those that were an indirect influence or part of the elements because of which this came to be. So while profanity isn’t at the helm the message will be as fluidic as acid.
Thank You for your understanding, here’s an excerpt on what to expect….
While the intention is not to get undivided attention, I see no harm in any kind of attention. From the cabaret days to the item song era one formula always worked. That was THE ITEM SONG routine. Even if the movie was at best forgettable the item song is beyond legendary. Same in the case of some talented people unlike myself. These authors have the comprehension skills to match the likes of Mozart. Viral Journalism a whole new symphony!
If you truly believe that this article is shallow and doesn’t make sense well you just hit rock bottom. For the depth of your research in some cases is no longer than a skimpy piece of apparel.
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