100kmph T-shirt Review – The Heat test

100kmph T-shirt Review – The Heat test

December 25, 2015 Off By Editorial Team

100kmph – The Prelude

Mumbai, the more any of us from the pen or keyboard talks about the grandeur, the history or any other facet is less. Leaving that aside, apart from its citizens for most of us the Local train back boned life of Mumbai is fast, Really fast. Being any sort of situation from nature to man made, Mumbai has seen it all. Sitting on the west coast of India, overlooking the Arabian Sea as a city itself things do get hot and humid. Thus, the significance of 100kmph.

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The climate of Mumbai and I are not the very best of friends, even an attempt to adapt and acclimatize myself over a decade ago failed when I had to sign off from a dream opportunity and return to Pune due to its weather and the cure to it lay in Pune alone. Over the years since then, it was either touch and go or travelling or living under artificial climate (air conditioning) so things were quite manageable. However last year after riding to a location on NH- 8 it became quite evident that a truce with Mumbai’s climate and my genetic structure (my father was re-located to Pune due to similar health issues as a child, I am told).

Ride to Surya Dam off of NH 8 back in August 2014.

Ride to Surya Dam off of NH 8 back in August 2014.

And now that we’ve gotten this out of the way lets talk about one of India’s start up companies

Credits: http://www.100kmph.com/about

It all started when two normal guys (non IIT hehehe) started to think that they can implement their daydream. So instead of daydreaming, the process of talking and talking started (this is called khayali pulao). But surprisingly with the attitude of “We’ll never give up”, The idea of 100kmph was born. Our families and friends were quite surprized that we actually pulled it off (hahahha).

100kmph describes the speed, a feeling that nothing in this world could overcome when you are riding your beloved motorcycle or driving your car. It’s a bombardment of the senses and a pure display of passion. 100kmph is dedicated to everyone who are in love with anything that rolls on wheels, who has the adrenaline rush for speed and for all petrolheads for whom their Motorcycle and Car is life for them. 100kmph is India’s first T Shirt brand whose designs are dedicated to Motorcycle, Car and motorsport enthusiasts. A one of a kind T Shirt designs that you cannot find anywhere else.If you are a Petrolhead and want to wear your passion; then you are at the right place.


Just another “startup” is what you’d say, I wouldn’t disagree either. When hunting online for T-shirts that could be worn on log rides that looked good I chanced upon this website. With a little research, I managed to bag an offer running last year and got a combo pack.

100kmph Badge and stickers

Badge and stickers

The 1st 3 100kmph t-shirts hand clicked for me

The 1st 3 t-shirts hand clicked for me

Delivered in time

Delivered in time!

Waiting for an occasion to wear them it did arrive when the @NakedWolvesMumbaiPune rode out to the western ghats on the 15th of February this year.

The Liine UpThe 1st 100kmph T-shirt.

100kmph – Just bus- ing around

Post this ride and compliments from friends encouraged me to shop online as the months progressed. Then came an invitation to attend a conference in Mumbai a few months back. Citing travel time, stress involved and the fact that I I’ll be battle-worn that week I decided give my side kick a day off an took a bus. Getting down from the Volvo in Dadar am sure those who travel regularly can associate with that. We walked to the station and a fast/slow combination of local trains and a rickshaw ride got us to our destination well before the heat could kick in.


100kmph – The Heat Test

Post lunch we returned in the same manner to Dadar station and opted to take a train to Pune. This is where the Heat test began. Getting in and out of spaced out locals during off peak hours is easy. Waiting about an hour for your ride back home isn’t. While my friend eagerly awaited the train as I did, we both had to endure the heat. Add to the crowd and of course the humidity served on the platform. In conversation to kill time, I realized that I wasn’t as uneasy.

100kmph – No Sweat !!

Also, nor was I profusely sweating. Yes, this is hot day and it took a few cold drinks to save us the doom of  de-hydration but I was comfortable. That thought sparked a question somewhere in the small talk, ” Guess what color T-shirt am wearing?”. The response was like black, aren’t you feeling uncomfortable in this weather? I answered the  question with a smile and we both had a good laugh over it.


100kmph – No Sweat !!

Come to think of it – Where or what makes this product what it is? The very fact that a few of its team members ride out on a regular basis are the “Halwais who eat their own Mithai”. They not only wear the speed, but I believe feel our PAIN too. Be it a short trip, a party or even a tour across the country bikers and other motoring enthusiasts are adding to their stockpile. Picking and clicking them of their purchase portals and who knows someone may have just done so while I conclude this Review. Needless to say that the black color t-shirt is a mere benchmark for this review. Given its action and reaction to changing weather conditions, the other colors are as much comfortable.

And Team 100kmph all the very best for the future!


You can view their line up HERE or check out their facebook page.

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