SJCAM SJ4000+ Waterproof Case Review – Now On-The-Go charging

SJCAM SJ4000+ Waterproof Case Review – Now On-The-Go charging

June 3, 2016 Off By Editorial Team

SJCAM  SJ4000+ Waterproof Case Review

The SJCAM SJ4000+ Waterproof Case is built for seamless power supply. No need to worry because the camera ran out of battery. .Your favorite SJCam now comes with a standard accessory – the SJ4000+ Waterproof Case.  The case comes with On-The-Go charging cable which can be purchased from their website (Click here to visit the website ).

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SJCAM  SJ4000+ Waterproof Case – DIY

The SJ4000+ Waterproof Case packaging that we received did not come with any set of instructions. It is really quite easy to set the waterproof case up. Typically coming with provision only for charging. Thus, In case you need access to the High Definition output the user can chose which of the adapters to use. The socket on the other end attached to a single pin male socket. This in turn, can be further attached to the cigarette lighter or USB unit provided in the packaging. This comes as a boon for users who are on long rides. So also in the case where they want maximum possible footage. The USB unit can terminate at a powerbank or to an onboard USB charging unit as well. . Setting up the adapter is as easy as it looks. Be sure to bolt all connections carefully. This will prevent water seepage.



SJ4000+ box 1

SJ4000+ inbox

The contents of the package all set to be connected and set up for the ride!

SJ4000+ Waterproof Case - the case IMG_20160603_120317

The  SJCAM 4000+ is all set up in the all-new waterproof charging case.Ready for that long haul of a ride ahead


The  SJ 4000+ is all set up in the all-new waterproof charging case along with the USB charging interface – rear view


Front View – The  SJCAM 4000+ is all set up in the all-new waterproof charging case along with the USB charging interface

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